Estate Information

Moriconium Quay was developed in eight phases starting in 1992. The freehold footprint of all the buildings containing the leasehold properties on the estate (with the exception of the houses), is owned by the Moriconium Quay Limited company. A separate company, the Moriconium Quay Management Company Limited (MQMC) is owned by the residents of the 106 properties, holds the freehold of the ‘common parts’ of the estate and inner marina. A sub-lease from the Crown is owned for the outer marina and approach channel.

The board of directors for MQMC are elected at the AGM by property owners and work with Napier Management to ensure that the estate is managed and maintained effectively.

The Tenants handbook provides more details about living at Moriconium Quay. This include details on parking, pets, security and more.

There is also an owners handbook available from Napier Management should you purchase a property on the estate.